News from Maison de la Gare
Elif Dogan
TweeterMaison de la Gare pays tribute to a
volunteer who supported our organization at its beginnings in the old Saint-Louis
railway station in 2008. Elif Dogan was killed in the terrorist atrocity in Paris
on November 13, 2015.
We share the sentiments of a volunteer who worked with Elif in Saint Louis: "Elif,
you were truly a magnificent person. Your gentleness and your 'joie de vivre' touched
me profoundly, and I will cherish forever the moments that we lived together - what an
enormous loss, what sadness."
Many of the talibé children whose lives Elif touched are thriving now, a beautiful
flowering of the seeds that she and others like her have planted.
We give thanks for Elif's life and for her goodness. Our thoughts are with her family
and friends, and with all of those who have suffered unthinkable loss with them. And
we add our voices to those who condemn all violence against innocent people everywhere.