Maison de la Gare benefits in many ways from its committed Senegalese and international partners. All of these partners work to support our development and to publicize our work in support of the talibé children. However, their true strength lies in working together day by day in support of our common goals.

Asociación Jerejef Senegal
Burlada, Navarre, Spain
Contact: Amaia Alonso Sanchez
Web Site: http://jerejef.org
e-Mail: burlatako@hotmail.com

Asociación Un Petit Pas
L'Escale, Catalonia, Spain
Contact: Lydie Teixidor Font, Mònica Pons Ballesta
e-Mail: unpetitpas@hotmail.com

Logroño, Spain
Contact: Pablo Rodríguez
Web Site: https://cooperaong.org/?lang=en
e-Mail: pablorodriguez@cooperaong.org

Delegation of the
European Union in Senegal
Dakar, Senegal
Contact: Mme Coumba Payé, Tel: (221) 33 889 11 00
Web Site: http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/senegal
e-Mail: coumba.paye@eeas.europe.eu

Global Fund for Children
Washington, U.S.A.
Contact: Alexander Kyerematen
Web Site: http://www.globalfundforchildren.org
e-Mail: akyerematen@globalfundforchildren.org

Washington, U.S.A.
Contact: (1) 202 232-5784
Web Site: http://www.globalgiving.org

Madda - Marseille Aide au Développement Durable Agro-écologique
40 avenue de Saint Antoine, 13015 Marseille, France
Web Site: http://www.asso-madda.org
e-Mail: madda@asso-madda.org

Rev. C.F. Johnston Foundation
Pointe Claire, Quebec, Canada
Contact: Rod LeRoy
e-Mail: rod.leroy@sympatico.ca

Travel arrangements for Maison de la Gare and its volunteers
Saint Louis, Senegal
Contact: Souleymane (Jules) Diop
Web Site: http://www.senegal-lib-tour.sn
e-Mail: contact@senegal-lib-tour.sn

United Nations Human Rights Fund
for the Struggle Against Contemporary Forms of Slavery
Geneva, Switzerland
Contact: Philippe Liondjo
Web Site: http://www.ohchr.org
e-Mail: pliondjo@ohchr.org

Univers de l'enfant
Saint Louis, Senegal
Contact: Idrissa Diallo
Maison de la Gare is grateful to other organisations which have contributed to its development in many ways over the years
ACED-Sud (Alan Guérini)
Allan & Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust (U.K.)
Ammer Foundation (Germany)
Canadian Fund for Local Initiatives (Senegal)
Concept (Senegal)
Deeda Productions (USA)
Health Partners International Canada
Oxford Friends of Senegal (United Kingdom)
Rotary International - Stockholm (Sweden)
Streets of Hope Charity (USA)
Sustainable Development Group International - SDGI (Sweden)
United Kingdom Talibé Project (UKTP)