News from Maison de la Gare
Football is Life!
Lalla Sène and Béatrice Dione share the excitement of children forgetting for a time the stress and worries of their difficult lives
The talibé children wake in the early morning every day to face the difficult conditions of their
lives. They do not have time to develop and to live their childhood because
they must beg to survive.
Soccer tournaments organized by Maison de la Gare are a magic moment for these children, as they allow
them to de-stress and forget all the worries of their daily lives. This is the story
of one such tournament.
Ten teams were organized in two groups, each team representing a different daara. Maison de la
Gare’s sports coordinator, Lalla Sène, organized two simultaneous matches each week.
These qualifying matches
were all played in the Kartier field in the Ndiolofène neighborhood
of Saint Louis.
Lalla ensured that each team has a full complement of eleven players plus their substitutes.
This gives each of these children the chance to let off steam on the field and to give
themselves up to the joy of it all. Close to 120 talibés participated in the tournament, some
as players and others as supporters. The field was crowded with people at each game. This was
a great moment for the children, and even Maison de la Gare’s staff because it was an
opportunity to help the children feel that they also have the right to enjoy life.
The children were totally motivated by the games and put all their energy into winning. The
atmosphere was electric during each match, but this did not prevent Lalla from strictly enforcing
the rules of the game. As a former member of Senegal’s national women’s soccer team,
she is a skilled referee.
After weeks during which each of the ten teams played a total of four
games, the tense moment
arrived when the teams qualified for the semi-finals. One team was eliminated, and the prize
for third place went to the team from Daara Thierno Alassane Diallo. The two making it to the
finals were the teams from Daara Thierno Boiro in blue jerseys and from Daara Thierno
Hamidou Bâ in yellow jerseys.
The final match of the tournament was played in the Mame Rawane Ngom stadium.
There is a
tradition for such events. Each team plans carefully how it will enter the stadium, trying
to project their passion and their confidence to both the other team and to the spectators.
It is truly an Oscar presentation for them; an event that will be remembered for a long time.
The ambiance and the applause drive the players to be the best that they can be.
Lalla had set up a schedule for the match that gave both teams the chance to do their very
best. It was closely
matched and very hard-fought. In the end, the team in blue from Daara
Thierno Boiro won over the yellow team from Daara Thierno Hamidou Bâ. Neither team scored
during the regulation 90 minutes of play, and the blue team won on a kick-off giving a
final score of 1 to 0.
Both finalist teams, along with the third-place team from Daara Thierno Alassane Diallo, were
rewarded with a soccer ball for the daara and a jersey for each player. And, of course, the
blue team went home with the cup! Talibé Moussa Bâ, who is better know by his nickname
“Messi”, was awarded the titles of best player and best scorer. He had scored a total of
four goals during the tournament.
Maison de la Gare is grateful to all its partners for their support which makes tournaments
like this possible, and so much more.
Please click here to see the triumphant entry
of the winning teams into the stadium: